Monday, March 26, 2012

The "He" and "She" of it all

So the chicks are now about 2.5 weeks old and I have realized some useful information: When buying chicks at the feed store~ $1.99 means "Straight run". For those of you who are not knee deep in wood chips, who don't revolve your life around cleaning pop off a feeder because someone likes to be higher than everyone else (which means feeder sitting)~ who have not yet discovered the joys of chickens...Straight Run means you takes your chances. Boys and girls, hens and roos all in the same bin- what they scoop is what you get.
I am now the proud momma of 3 little red hens and possibly 3 obnoxious Buff Orpington roosters. We won't know until someone crows. Alas if menfolk they happen to be, a friend who has lots of Buff Orpington hens needs a man around the Orpington I got that goin for me- which is nice.
Here's their latest class pics.
 Maisey in all her glory. She's not one of the possible roos but she is so my fav chicken.
This is Wilma or possibly Willy, we'll see if she starts to crow soon...

As you can tell, Alice or possibly BIG Al is scrawny and squawky.
This is Pruda, a little freaked out...

1 comment:

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I find the tail feathers tell the story. The roos get elegant, drooping tail feathers, and extra shiny saddle feathers, too.
I hope the ratio turns out to be in your favor.